Tamas Szasz

Tamas Szasz (Hun­ga­ry)

Hun­ga­ri­an pia­nist and key­boar­dist Tamas Szasz began his musi­cal stu­dies at the age of six at Ves­z­p­rem with clas­si­cal pia­no and drums, com­ple­ting his stu­dies later at the Jazz Con­ser­va­to­ry “Bela Bar­tok” in Budapest.

In the 80’s he tra­v­eled and worked throughout Euro­pe with a mul­ti­tu­de of dif­fe­rent styles: fun­ky, Latin, blues, jazz, reggae …

He sett­led in the Nether­lands in the late 1980s whe­re he col­la­bo­ra­ted with major Soul groups such as the Swin­ging Soul Machi­neThe Tramm­ps led by Jim­my Wil­liams, Jazz- Rock group with jazz gui­ta­rist Ian Akker­man, flau­tist and com­po­ser Thijs Van Leer respon­si­ble for aut­ho­ring nume­rous songs for the famous Spa­nish Rock musi­ci­an Miguel Ríos ‚as well as being part of his famous group Focus.

In Ibi­za in the 90s, he was part of the Perei­ra Thea­ter Band accom­pany­ing nume­rous voca­lists such as Debo­rah J. Car­terMuri­el Fow­lerMacy Gray, per­cus­sio­nist Nip­pi Noya among others

He has made nume­rous col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons with important Latin Ame­ri­can musi­ci­ans such as the gre­at gui­ta­rist Nor­ber­to Rodri­guez (Cuba),bass play­er, per­cus­sio­nist and voca­list Geo­van­ni Perez Cor­bo, or the Cuban legend cur­r­ent­ly based in Ibi­za Ricar­di­to.

As creator he is the aut­hor of many com­po­si­ti­ons and has made many arran­ge­ments for dif­fe­rent artists.

He cur­r­ent­ly com­bi­nes his work as a ses­si­on musi­ci­an and making the arran­ge­ments of what will be the next album by Javier Var­gas.