

MGQ live im King Georg, Köln PHR_1  12“Vinyl
HHV Exclu­si­ve Trans­pa­rent Green Vinyl Edition
limi­ted to 200px relea­se 05/03/2025 by POWER HOUSE RECORDS
Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz

Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, alto, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Abel Boque­ra: Ham­mond keyboard
Uros Sta­men­ko­vic: drums

About this Album

Recor­ded Novem­ber 11, 2022 in King Georg by Ant­o­ny Fitz­har­ris.Mixing and Mas­te­ring by Frank Jacob­sen – sfj — pro­duc­tions. Gra­phic Design & Art­work by Paris­sa Charghi. Pain­ting by Tom Król. Coor­di­na­ted & super­vi­sed by Her­mes Vil­lena. Road Mana­ger and Coor­di­na­tor Dmi­tri Kalinin

After several stu­dio albums on the Esto­ni­an label RR Gems Records, a com­pi­la­ti­on on the Bri­tish label Jazz­man Records, and an album on Jack White’s Detroit label Third Man Records, ‘MGQ live im King Georg, Köln’ is the Bands first indis­pensable live album.


1. Cla­ri­ty (12:26)
2. Afri­can Call (10:45)
3. Inter­con­nec­tion (11:46)
4. Calm (12:51)


MGQ live im King Georg, Köln PHR_1  12“Vinyl
limi­ted to 500px release 05/03/2025 by POWER HOUSE RECORDS
Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz

Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, alto, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Abel Boque­ra: Ham­mond keyboard
Uros Sta­men­ko­vic: drums

About this Album

Recor­ded Novem­ber 11, 2022 in King Georg by Ant­o­ny Fitz­har­ris.Mixing and Mas­te­ring by Frank Jacob­sen – sfj — pro­duc­tions. Gra­phic Design & Art­work by Paris­sa Charghi. Pain­ting by Tom Król. Coor­di­na­ted & super­vi­sed by Her­mes Vil­lena. Road Mana­ger and Coor­di­na­tor Dmi­tri Kalinin

After several stu­dio albums on the Esto­ni­an label RR Gems Records, a com­pi­la­ti­on on the Bri­tish label Jazz­man Records, and an album on Jack White’s Detroit label Third Man Records, ‘MGQ live im King Georg, Köln’ is the Bands first indis­pensable live album.


1. Cla­ri­ty (12:26)
2. Afri­can Call (10:45)
3. Inter­con­nec­tion (11:46)
4. Calm (12:51)

MGQ live im King Georg, Köln
DR 17 CD
, 2025
release 05/03/2025

Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz

Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, alto, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Abel Boque­ra: Ham­mond keyboard
Uros Sta­men­ko­vic: drums

About this Album

Recor­ded Novem­ber 11, 2022 in King Georg by Ant­o­ny Fitzharris.
Mixing and Mas­te­ring by Frank Jacob­sen – sfj — pro­duc­tions. Gra­phic Design by Lilac. Pho­to by TONE. Coor­di­na­ted & super­vi­sed by Her­mes Vil­lena. Road Mana­ger and Coor­di­na­tor Dmi­tri Kalinin.

After several stu­dio albums on the Esto­ni­an label RR Gems Records, a com­pi­la­ti­on on the Bri­tish label Jazz­man Records, and an album on Jack White’s Detroit label Third Man Records, ‘MGQ live im King Georg, Köln’ is the Bands first indis­pensable live album.

1. Cla­ri­ty (12:26)

2. Afri­can Call (10:45)
3. Inter­con­nec­tion (11:46)
4. Calm (12:51)
5. Sun­down (6:49)
6. Hap­pi­ness (6:33)
7. Tran­eing In (11:53)  

The Light Of The Mind  
, 2024
release 01/12/2024 by RR GEMS RECORDS

Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz

Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, alto, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Abel Boque­ra: Ham­mond B3 organ
Uros Sta­men­ko­vic: drums

About this Album

Mixed and mas­te­red by Lou­is Hen­ry Sar­mi­en­to ll, Sonic Vis­ta Stu­di­os. Pho­to by Sascha Osa­ka. Cover Design by Bra­tis­lav Radenkovic.

The new Muri­el Gross­mann album explo­res and cele­bra­tes the mind’s pure poten­ti­al through sta­tes of cla­ri­ty and awa­reness, ulti­mate­ly lea­ding to hap­pi­ness and inner peace — all con­vey­ed through a signa­tu­re blend of deep spi­ri­tu­al jazz groo­ves, psy­che­de­lia, soul jazz and expe­ri­men­tal free-form struc­tures. Pre­sen­ted on a stan­dard weight black vinyl, housed in a spot-var­nis­hed, clas­sic tip-on record jacket, and inclu­des an insert with liner notes by Micha­el Jacklin.


1. Poin­ting Out — Part I (3:41)

2. The Light Of The Mind (12:01)
3. Uni­son Unvei­led (6:36)
4. Ulti­ma­te Awa­reness (10:24)
5. Eter­nal Laugh­ter (8:12)
6. Poin­ting Out — Part II (5:28) 

The Light Of The Mind
DR 16 CD
, 2024
release 01/12/2024

Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz

Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, alto, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Abel Boque­ra: Ham­mond B3 organ
Uros Sta­men­ko­vic: drums

About this Album

Mixed and mas­te­red by Lou­is Hen­ry Sar­mi­en­to ll, Sonic Vis­ta Stu­di­os. Pain­ting by Muri­el. Cover Design by Lilac. Liner notes by Micha­el Jacklin.

The new Muri­el Gross­mann album explo­res and cele­bra­tes the mind’s pure poten­ti­al through sta­tes of cla­ri­ty and awa­reness, ulti­mate­ly lea­ding to hap­pi­ness and inner peace — all con­vey­ed through a signa­tu­re blend of deep spi­ri­tu­al jazz groo­ves, psy­che­de­lia, soul jazz and expe­ri­men­tal free-form structures. 

1. Poin­ting Out — Part I (3:41)

2. The Light Of The Mind (12:01)
3. Uni­son Unvei­led (6:36)
4. Ulti­ma­te Awa­reness (10:24)
5. Eter­nal Laugh­ter (8:12)
6. Poin­ting Out — Part II (5:28) 


DEVOTION TMR-960, 2023 limi­ted to 1500px black + 500px colo­red 
release 01/12/2023 by THIRD MAN RECORDS
Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz

Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, alto, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Abel Boque­ra: Ham­mond B3 organ
Uros Sta­men­ko­vic: drums

About this Album

Mixed and mas­te­red by Lou­is Hen­ry Sar­mi­en­to ll, Sonic Vis­ta Stu­di­os. Art­work and Lay­out by Jomo­to­piaPho­to by Dmi­tri Kalinin.

… Devo­ti­on is a dedi­ca­ted aural enga­ge­ment with extre­me­ly talen­ted musi­ci­ans. They chart initi­al­ly amor­phous sonic ter­rains to estab­lish a uni­on bet­ween the pro­cess of crea­ti­ve inqui­ry and dis­co­very to deli­ver trans­cen­dence across the uni­ver­se of music its­elf. Devo­ti­on reflects a deep spi­ri­tua­li­ty in com­po­si­ti­on, expres­si­on dis­co­very through kalei­do­scopic, 21st cen­tu­ry jazz.” … Thom Jurek, aut­hor, poet, and seni­or wri­ter All-Music Guide.

2x12” Vinyl  ORDER HERE

1. Abso­lu­te Truth (21:50)
2. Calm (10:22)
3. Care (12:34)
4. Know­ledge & Wis­dom (10:22)
5. All Heart (12:34)
6. Devo­ti­on (11:54)
7. Mother Of All (10:34)


DEVOTION TMR-960, 2023 limi­ted to 500px
release 01/12/2023 by THIRD MAN RECORDS

Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz

Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, alto, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Abel Boque­ra: Ham­mond B3 organ
Uros Sta­men­ko­vic: drums

About this Album

Mixed and mas­te­red by Lou­is Hen­ry Sar­mi­en­to ll, Sonic Vis­ta Stu­di­os. Art­work and Lay­out by Jomo­to­piaPho­to by Dmi­tri Kalinin.

… Devo­ti­on is a dedi­ca­ted aural enga­ge­ment with extre­me­ly talen­ted musi­ci­ans. They chart initi­al­ly amor­phous sonic ter­rains to estab­lish a uni­on bet­ween the pro­cess of crea­ti­ve inqui­ry and dis­co­very to deli­ver trans­cen­dence across the uni­ver­se of music its­elf. Devo­ti­on reflects a deep spi­ri­tua­li­ty in com­po­si­ti­on, expres­si­on dis­co­very through kalei­do­scopic, 21st cen­tu­ry jazz.” … Thom Jurek, aut­hor, poet, and seni­or wri­ter All-Music Guide.

Dou­ble-Cd  ORDER HERE
Cd l

1. Abso­lu­te Truth (21:50)
2. Calm (10:22)
3. Care (12:34)
Cd ll
4. Know­ledge & Wis­dom (10:22)
5. All Heart (12:34)
6. Devo­ti­on (11:54)
7. Mother Of All (10:34)


Uni­ver­sal Code RRGEMS16, 2023  2x12“Vinyl  limi­ted to 1500px 
release 09/06/2023 by RR GEMS RECORDS

Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz

Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, alto, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Llo­renç Bar­celó: Ham­mond B3 organ
Uros Sta­men­ko­vic: drums
Gina Schwarz: upright bass on Tran­si­en­ce, Non- Dua­li­ty, Essence

About this Album

Mixed and mas­te­red by Lou­is Hen­ry Sar­mi­en­to ll, Sonic Vis­ta Stu­di­os. Art­work by Jomo­to­pia,
Pho­to by Chris­toph Schu­bert. Lay­out by Ilja Tulit.
“… our evo­lu­ti­on towards enligh­ten­ment is alrea­dy engra­ved in our being, our huma­ni­ty. While physical

1. Reso­nance (9:03)
2. Cla­ri­ty (8:30) 
3. Inter­con­nec­tion (10:29)
4. Tran­si­en­ce (9:13)
SIDE lll
5. Non-Dua­li­ty (8:52)
6. Essence (6:38)
7. Libe­ra­ti­on (7:06)
8. Post-Medi­ta­ti­on (9:27)
9. Com­pas­si­on (8:17)


Birth Of The Mys­te­ry (2010) PR-004 Vinyl limi­ted to 300 ex
release 02/02/2023 by PASSERINE RECORDS

Gen­re: Jazz: Avant-Gar­de Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: alto saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic: gui­tar
David Mar­ro­quin: bass
Mar­ko Jelača: drums

About this Album

Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz, a power­ful expe­ri­ence, com­po­sed and per­for­med by Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet; irre­sis­ti­ble mix­tu­re of post-hard Bop, modal and avant-gar­de Jazz.

Cd in stock order here (SOLD OUT

Side A
1. Strength
2. Trust
3. Breat­hing 

4. Patience 

5. Ope­ning 
6. Sli­de 
7. Wel­co­me

Uni­ver­sal Code 
DR 14 CD
, 2022    release 02/11/2022
Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz

Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, alto, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Llo­renç Bar­celó: Ham­mond B3 organ
Uros Sta­men­ko­vic: drums
Gina Schwarz: upright bass on Tran­si­en­ce, Non- Dua­li­ty, Essence

About this Album

Mixed and mas­te­red by Lou­is Hen­ry Sar­mi­en­to ll, Sonic Vis­ta Studios.
Pain­ting by Aye­lén, Ias­sù, Rado­mir, Muri­el. Cover Design by Lilac
“… our evo­lu­ti­on towards enligh­ten­ment is alrea­dy engra­ved in our being, our huma­ni­ty. While phy­si­cal DNA evi­den­ces it bio­lo­gi­cal­ly, our path accord­ing to Bud­dhist belief, no mat­ter how many life­ti­mes we inha­bit, always moves towards an awa­ke­n­ing that trans­cends, and ulti­mate­ly frees us from DNA’s bio­lo­gi­cal limi­ta­ti­ons. Music, a form of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on that exists bey­ond spo­ken lan­guage trans­cends its own for­mal­ly nota­ted DNA.” … Thom Jurek, aut­hor, poet, and seni­or wri­ter All-Music Guide.

1. Reso­nance (9:03)

2. Cla­ri­ty (8:30)
3. Inter­con­nec­tion (10:29)
4. Tran­si­en­ce (9:13)
5. Non-Dua­li­ty (8:52)
6. Essence (6:38)
7. Libe­ra­ti­on (7:06)
8. Post-Medi­ta­ti­on (9:27)
9. Com­pas­si­on (8:17)

Uni­on RRGEMS11, 2021  … release 02/11/2021
12″ hea­vy weight limi­ted Edi­ti­on 1500 ex // in old-style slee­ve with spot mat­te var­nish on top of glos­sy lami­na­te. Inclu­des insert with liner notes and band photos. 

Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, alto, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Llo­renç Bar­celó: Ham­mond B3 organ
Uros Sta­men­ko­vic: drums

About this Album

Released by RR Gems Records Novem­ber 2, 2021 and dis­tri­bu­t­ed by RR GEMS Records © 2021 

or if you want to sup­port us direct­ly and request and auto­graph HERE
Mixed and mas­te­red by Lou­is Hen­ry Sar­mi­en­to ll, Sonic Vis­ta Studios.
Recor­ded at Caja del Rui­do Estu­dio, Mal­lor­ca, Sound Tech­ni­ci­ans: Car­los and Damián Teje­dor Lla­b­rés, Pho­to by Sascha Osa­ka, Pain­ting by Muri­el, Lay­out by Ilja Tulit
“True kind­ness and com­pas­si­on are ari­sing from the under­stan­ding that all things are inter­ac­ting inter­de­pendent­ly, are con­nec­ted but con­stant­ly chan­ging, somehow imper­ma­nent. And it is through this kind­ness and com­pas­si­on that we are united.” … Muri­el

Side A
1. Hap­pi­ness (11:12)
2. Tran­eing In (11:29)
Side B
3. Sun­down (8:29)
4. Afri­can Dance (06:13)
5. Uni­on (08:20)

 DR 13 CD, 2021    release 02/11/2021

Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, alto, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Llo­renç Bar­celó: Ham­mond B3 organ
Uros Sta­men­ko­vic: drums

About this Album

Mixed and mas­te­red by Lou­is Hen­ry Sar­mi­en­to ll, Sonic Vis­ta Studios.
Recor­ded at Caja del Rui­do Estu­dio, Mal­lor­ca, Sound Tech­ni­ci­ans: Car­los and Damián Teje­dor Lla­b­rés, Pain­ting by Muri­el, Cover Design by Lilac
“True kind­ness and com­pas­si­on are ari­sing from the under­stan­ding that all things are inter­ac­ting inter­de­pendent­ly, are con­nec­ted but con­stant­ly chan­ging, somehow imper­ma­nent. And it is through this kind­ness and com­pas­si­on that we are united.” … Muri­el

1. Hap­pi­ness (11:12)
2. Tran­eing In (11:29)
3. Sun­down (8:29)
4. Afri­can Dance (06:13)
5. Uni­on (08:20)

Natu­ral Time
 DR 10821 LP, 2016/2021 dis­tri­bu­t­ed by RRGEMSRECORDS:COM
Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: sopra­no, alto saxo­phone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar
Gina Schwarz: bass
Uros Sta­men­ko­vic: drums

About this Album

Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz; this album is a suite. The clas­si­cal guitar/saxophone Jazz Quar­tet is accom­pa­nied by a dro­ne of mul­ti­ple acoustic instru­ments; a gre­at musi­cal journey.
NEW ! phy­si­cal only track INNER FIRE Mixed and mas­te­red by Lou­is Hen­ry Sar­mi­en­to ll, Sonic Vis­ta Studios.

 order here

1. Natu­ral Time (10:07)
2. Light­ning (8:48)
3. Your Pace (6:01)
4. Hap­pi­ness (12:09)
5. Afri­can Dance (8:29)
6. Peace For All (8:37)
7. Bliss (9:07)
8. Inner Fire (9:16)

Natu­ral Time
 DR 08/2 CD, 2016/2021
Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: sopra­no, alto saxo­phone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar
Gina Schwarz: bass
Uros Sta­men­ko­vic: drums

About this Album

Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz; this album is a suite. The clas­si­cal guitar/saxophone Jazz Quar­tet is accom­pa­nied by a dro­ne of mul­ti­ple acoustic instru­ments; a gre­at musi­cal journey.
NEW ! phy­si­cal only track INNER FIRE Mixed and mas­te­red by Lou­is Hen­ry Sar­mi­en­to ll, Sonic Vis­ta Studios.

Cd  order here

1. Natu­ral Time (10:07)
2. Light­ning (8:48)
3. Your Pace (6:01)
4. Hap­pi­ness (12:09)
5. Afri­can Dance (8:29)
6. Peace For All (8:37)
7. Bliss (9:07)
8. Inner Fire (9:16)

Quiet Earth
RRGEMS09, 2020
12″ 200 gram Vinyl. limi­ted Edi­ti­on  1500 ex // old style tip-on cover// 0,69 mm/2,71 inch thick cardboard
Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz

Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, alto, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Llo­renç Bar­celó: Ham­mond B3 organ

Gina Schwarz: bass
Uros Sta­men­ko­vic: drums

About this Album

Released on 4th of Decem­ber, 2020 and dis­tri­bu­t­ed by RR GEMS Records © 2020 RRGEMS09
Mixed and mas­te­red by Lou­is Hen­ry Sar­mi­en­to ll, Sonic Vis­ta Studios.
Cover design and lay­out by Ilja Tulit

“ … May our music ser­ve you on your essen­ti­al jour­ney.” Bles­sings on ori­gi­nal cover
Muri­el Grossmann

1. Wien (11:05)
2. Afri­can Call (09:09)
3. Peace­ful River (08:34)
4. Quiet Earth (11:28)


Quiet Earth  DR 12 CD, release 22th Dic 2020
Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, alto, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Llo­renç Bar­celó: Ham­mond B3 organ

Gina Schwarz: bass
Uros Sta­men­ko­vic: drums

About this Album

Mixed and mas­te­red by Lou­is Hen­ry Sar­mi­en­to ll, Sonic Vis­ta Stu­di­os. Cover design by Lilac
“ … May our music ser­ve you on your essen­ti­al jour­ney.” Bles­sings on ori­gi­nal cover by Muri­el Grossmann

1. Wien (11:05)
2. Afri­can Call (09:09)
3. Peace­ful River (08:34)
4. Quiet Earth (11:28)

Rever­ence  HHV Exclu­si­ve Trans­pa­rent Red 
RRGEMS07, 2019
2x12” 180 gram Vinyl. limi­ted Edi­ti­on 200 ex  Gatefold// old style tip-on cover// 0,69 mm/2,71 inch thick cardboard

Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, alto, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Gina Schwarz: bass
Uros Sta­men­ko­vicdrums
Llo­renç Bar­celó: Ham­mond B3 organ

About this Album

Released in Decem­ber, 2019 and dis­tri­bu­t­ed by RR GEMS Records © 2019 RRGEMS07
Mixed and mas­te­red by Lou­is Hen­ry Sar­mi­en­to ll, Sonic Vis­ta Stu­di­os. Cover design and lay­out by Ilja Tulit
“…Make no mista­ke: the music you will expe­ri­ence on ‘Rever­ence’ is not Afri­can; it is deeply spi­ri­tu­al jazz from the edge of Euro­pe that gives thanks to Afri­ca for its know­ledge, its wis­dom, its beau­ty. And we now, in turn, give thanks for the­se beau­ti­ful sounds.” by Micha­el Jack­lin, liner notes 2019

1. Okan Ti Aye (09:54)
2. Uni­on (09:26)
3. Water Bowl (09:42)
4. Sun­down (08:57)
SIDE lll
5. Cha­se (11:15)
6. Tri­bu (11:20)
7. Afri­ka Maha­la (10:23)
8. Morning (11:34)

JMANLP 119, JMANCD 119, 2020
LP with thick tip on slee­ve, limi­ted Edi­ti­on 1500 ex
Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz

Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, alto, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Gina Schwarz: bass
Uros Sta­men­ko­vicdrums

About this Album

Com­pi­la­ti­on ℗ & © 2020 Jazz­man Records Ltd , released in May, 2020 and dis­tri­bu­t­ed by JAZZMAN RECORDS  ORDER HERE
All tracks com­po­sed and pro­du­ced by Muri­el Gross­mann. Cover Pain­ting by Muri­el and Aye­lén. Lay­out by Divi­ne Inc.

Tracks A1, A2 & B1 recor­ded at Dream­land­re­cords Stu­di­os and Can Vento­sa, Ibi­za. Tracks B2 & B3 recor­ded at Dream­land­re­cords Stu­di­os and Escue­la Muni­ci­pal de Musi­ca de Sta. Eula­ria des Riu, Ibi­za. All tracks mixed and mas­te­red by Klaus Scheu­er­mann,, Ber­lin (exept track A1 mixed and mas­te­red by Lou­is Hen­ry Sar­mi­en­to ll, Sonic Vis­ta Stu­di­os, Ibiza).
Tracks A1, A2 & B1 ori­gi­nal­ly released Novem­ber 2017 on “Momen­tum” (Dreamlandrecords/DR 09 CD). Tracks B2 & B3 ori­gi­nal­ly released Janu­a­ry 2016 on “Natu­ral Time” (Dreamlandrecords/DR 08 CD).

… Many jazz gre­ats have of cour­se attemp­ted it, the ‘ele­va­ti­on’ of not just the form but con­scious­ness itsel.  … In all a quin­tet of con­gruous tra­ver­ses, from a duo of albums, Grossman’s own Ele­va­ti­on seems a ful­ly rea­li­sed, inter­con­nec­ted and flowing oeu­vre that could have been recor­ded all at the same ses­si­on, only yes­ter­day. An adven­ture across desert con­tours, on the cara­van trail in search of enligh­ten­ment and jazz nir­va­na; the impres­si­ve­ly invo­ca­ti­ve saxo­pho­nist and her trou­pe of regu­lars turn in a fan­tasti­cal pan­or­amic opus. Hard­ly a sla­vish attempt at repro­du­cing Grossmann’s inspi­ra­ti­ons, Ele­va­ti­on is an impres­si­ve, evo­ca­ti­ve con­ti­nua­tion of tho­se for­bea­rers blue­print. A show­ca­se of explo­ra­to­ry jazz left free to fol­low tho­se same for­bea­rers by a group of Euro­pean avant-gar­dists.” Domi­nic Val­vo­na, Mono­lith Cock­tail, May 2020

Side I
1. Ele­va­ti­on (09:53)
2. Rising (12:43)
Side II
3. Chant (08:24)
4. Your Pace (06:00)
5. Peace For All (08:36)

Gol­den Rule Edi­ti­on 2#
   RRGEMS05, 2020
2x12” 180 gram Vinyl. limi­ted Edi­ti­on 1000 ex, Gatefold// old style tip-on cover// 0,69 mm/2,71 inch thick cardboard

Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Gina Schwarz: bass
Uros Sta­men­ko­vicdrums

About this Album

Released in Novem­ber, 2018 and dis­tri­bu­t­ed by RR GEMS Records © 2018 RRGEMS05 ORDER HERE
Mixed and mas­te­red by Lou­is Hen­ry Sar­mi­en­to ll, Sonic Vis­ta Stu­di­os. Cover design and lay­out by Ilja Tulit

…The album tit­le ‘Gol­den Rule’ signals a com­mit­ment to reci­pro­ci­ty and respect: ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. This basic pre­mi­se of social har­mo­ny and human digni­ty is com­mon to both reli­gious tra­di­ti­ons and huma­nist princi­ples, and it is this belief in our abi­li­ty to crea­te coope­ra­tively and to live in peace that under­lies the beau­ti­ful sounds of this album.” Micha­el Jack­lin, August 2018

Side I
1. Gol­den Rule (11:26)
2. Core (11:21)
Side II
3. Pro­mi­se (09:12)
4. Direc­tion (10:18)
Side III
5. Tran­eing In (18:54)
Side IV
6. Tra­ne (12:07)
7. Light (08:09)

DR 11 CD, release 10th Dec 2019
Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, alto, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Gina Schwarz: bass
Uros Sta­men­ko­vicdrums
Llo­renç Bar­celó: Ham­mond B3 organ

About this Album

…Make no mista­ke: the music you will expe­ri­ence on ‘Rever­ence’ is not Afri­can; it is deeply spi­ri­tu­al jazz from the edge of Euro­pe that gives thanks to Afri­ca for its know­ledge, its wis­dom, its beau­ty. And we now, in turn, give thanks for the­se beau­ti­ful sounds.” by Micha­el Jack­lin, liner notes 201


1. Okan Ti Aye (09:54)
2. Uni­on (09:26)
3. Water Bowl (09:42)
4. Sun­down (08:57)
5. Cha­se (09:47)
6. Tri­bu (09:02)
7. Afri­ka Maha­la (10:23)
8. Morning (11:34)

RRGEMS07, 2019
2x12” 180 gram Vinyl. limi­ted Edi­ti­on 1000 ex,  Gatefold// old style tip-on cover// 0,69 mm/2,71 inch thick cardboard

Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, alto, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Gina Schwarz: bass
Uros Sta­men­ko­vicdrums
Llo­renç Bar­celó: Ham­mond B3 organ

About this Album

Released in Decem­ber, 2019 and dis­tri­bu­t­ed by RR GEMS Records © 2019 RRGEMS07
Mixed and mas­te­red by Lou­is Hen­ry Sar­mi­en­to ll, Sonic Vis­ta Stu­di­os. Cover design and lay­out by Ilja Tulit
“…Make no mista­ke: the music you will expe­ri­ence on ‘Rever­ence’ is not Afri­can; it is deeply spi­ri­tu­al jazz from the edge of Euro­pe that gives thanks to Afri­ca for its know­ledge, its wis­dom, its beau­ty. And we now, in turn, give thanks for the­se beau­ti­ful sounds.” by Micha­el Jack­lin, liner notes 2019

1. Okan Ti Aye (09:54)
2. Uni­on (09:26)
3. Water Bowl (09:42)
4. Sun­down (08:57)
SIDE lll
5. Cha­se (11:15)
6. Tri­bu (11:20)
7. Afri­ka Maha­la (10:23)
8. Morning (11:34)

Gol­den Rule / Okan Ti Aye
(Radio Edits)
   JAZZ450005, 2019

7”  Vinyl, limi­ted to just 600 copies worldwide
Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: sopra­no, tenor saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Gina Schwarz: bass
Uros Sta­men­ko­vic: drums


Released in May, 2019 and dis­tri­bu­t­ed by JAZZMAN  Records © 2019 JAZZ45005   Mixed and mas­te­red by Lou­is Hen­ry Sar­mi­en­to ll, Sonic Vis­ta Stu­di­os. Album Art­work by Emma Davis

Taken from her mes­me­ri­sing spi­ri­tu­al jazz LP ‘Gol­den Rule’, we have deep jazz, modal jazz, eso­te­ric jazz, spi­ri­tu­al jazz; refi­ned, inten­si­fied and con­cen­tra­ted into 2 whirl­wind sides.

Arres­ting, deeply moving spi­ri­tu­al jazz… it’s deep” —
“Muri­el Gross­mann… embraces the ground­brea­king, explo­ra­to­ry jazz of Sun Ra and John Col­tra­ne, gives a very respect­ful nod to fel­low con­tem­pora­ries Nat Bir­chall and Shabaka Hut­chings, and immer­ses its­elf in a swirl of trans­cen­den­tal expres­si­on” — UK Vibe
“Recom­men­ded, par­ti­cu­lar­ly for lis­teners who are rea­dy explo­re sounds bey­ond strai­ght ahead jazz or tho­se com­for­ta­ble with more eso­te­ric jazz sounds” — The Vinyl Press

Side I
1. Gol­den Rule (Radio Edit) (4:55)
Side II
2. Okan Ti Aye (Radio Edit) (4:23)

Gol­den Rule 
   DR 10 CD, release 15th Dec 2018
Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Gina Schwarz: bass
Uros Sta­men­ko­vicdrums

About this Album

…The album tit­le ‘Gol­den Rule’ signals a com­mit­ment to reci­pro­ci­ty and respect: ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. This basic pre­mi­se of social har­mo­ny and human digni­ty is com­mon to both reli­gious tra­di­ti­ons and huma­nist princi­ples, and it is this belief in our abi­li­ty to crea­te coope­ra­tively and to live in peace that under­lies the beau­ti­ful sounds of this album.” Micha­el Jack­lin, August 2018


1. Gol­den Rule (11:26)
2. Core (11:21)
3. Pro­mi­se (09:12)
4. Direc­tion (10:18)
5. Tran­eing In (14:54)
6. Tra­ne (12:07)
7. Light (08:09)

Gol­den Rule 
   RRGEMS05, 2018
2x12” 180 gram Vinyl. limi­ted Edi­ti­on 4000 ex,  Gatefold// old style tip-on cover// 0,69 mm/2,71 inch thick cardboard

Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Gina Schwarz: bass
Uros Sta­men­ko­vicdrums

About this Album

Released in Novem­ber, 2018 and dis­tri­bu­t­ed by RR GEMS Records © 2018 RRGEMS05 ORDER HERE
Mixed and mas­te­red by Lou­is Hen­ry Sar­mi­en­to ll, Sonic Vis­ta Stu­di­os. Cover design and lay­out by Ilja Tulit

…The album tit­le ‘Gol­den Rule’ signals a com­mit­ment to reci­pro­ci­ty and respect: ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. This basic pre­mi­se of social har­mo­ny and human digni­ty is com­mon to both reli­gious tra­di­ti­ons and huma­nist princi­ples, and it is this belief in our abi­li­ty to crea­te coope­ra­tively and to live in peace that under­lies the beau­ti­ful sounds of this album.” Micha­el Jack­lin, August 2018

Side I
1. Gol­den Rule (11:26)
2. Core (11:21)
Side II
3. Pro­mi­se (09:12)
4. Direc­tion (10:18)
Side III
5. Tran­eing In (18:54)
Side IV
6. Tra­ne (12:07)
7. Light (08:09)

DR 09 CD, 2017

Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: tenor, sopra­no, alto saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar

Gina Schwarz: bass
Uros Sta­men­ko­vicdrums

About this Album

Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz; this album is a mes­me­ri­zing  con­ti­nua­tion of the pre­vious album Natu­ral Time. With this record, the Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet deli­vers a flu­id and power packed opus, which fea­tures the lea­ders tor­rid saxo­pho­ne solo­ing. This record has ple­nty of “ear can­dy” for dedi­ca­ted lis­teners to enjoy.

Cd in stock order here (about 200 pie­ces left)

1. Ele­va­ti­on (10:02)
2. Momen­tum (10:46)
3. Chant (8:24)
4. Sac­red (9:23)
5. Hori­zon (5:45)
6. Rising (12:44)
7. Gra­ti­tu­de (9:36)

Natu­ral Time
 DR 08 CD, 2016
Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: sopra­no, alto saxo­phone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic
: gui­tar
Gina Schwarz: bass
Uros Sta­men­ko­vic: drums

About this Album

Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz; this album is a suite. The clas­si­cal guitar/saxophone Jazz Quar­tet is accom­pa­nied by a dro­ne of mul­ti­ple acoustic instru­ments; a gre­at musi­cal journey.

Cd in stock order here (about 200 pie­ces left)

1. Natu­ral Time (10:07)
2. Light­ning (8:48)
3. Your Pace (6:01)
4. Hap­pi­ness (12:09)
5. Afri­can Dance (8:29)
6. Peace For All (8:37)
7. Bliss (9:07)

Earth Tones
 DR 07 CD / DR 10715–2 LP, 2015
Gen­re: Jazz, Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: sopra­no saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic: gui­tar
Robert Land­fer­mann: bass
Chris­ti­an Lil­lin­ger: drums

About this Album

Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz; this album is a suite. The clas­si­cal guitar/saxophone Jazz Quar­tet is accom­pa­nied by a dro­ne of mul­ti­ple acoustic instru­ments; a gre­at musi­cal journey.

Cd in stock order here (about 100 pie­ces left)
Vinyl in stock order now

1. Earth Call (11:26)
2. Hope (10:56)
3. Sharing (17:04)
4. Wis­dom (11:40)
5. Uncon­di­tio­nal Love (12:29)
6. Earth Tones (16:10)

DR 06 CD, 2013

Gen­re: Jazz: Avant-Gar­de Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: alto, sopra­no saxo­pho­ne, flute
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic: gui­tar
Robert Land­fer­mann: bass
Chris­ti­an Lil­lin­ger: drums

About this Album

Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet live on the Ibi­za Jazz fes­ti­val 2011. Ener­ge­tic and inter­ac­ti­ve play­ing fea­turing Muri­el Gross­mann on alto, sopra­no saxo­pho­ne and flu­te, Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Robert Land­fer­mann on upright bass and Chris­ti­an Lil­lin­ger on drums.

Cd in stock order here  (about 50 pie­ces left)

1. Awa­ke­n­ing (9:37)
2. Wien (14:46)
3. Trust (10:18)
4. Peace­ful River (9:45)
5. Ornet­te (13:56)

Birth Of The Mys­te­ry
 DR 05 CD, 2010

Gen­re: Jazz: Avant-Gar­de Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: alto saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic: gui­tar
David Mar­ro­quin: bass
Mar­ko Jelača: drums

About this Album

Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz, a power­ful expe­ri­ence, com­po­sed and per­for­med by Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet; irre­sis­ti­ble mix­tu­re of post-hard Bop, modal and avant-gar­de Jazz.

Cd in stock order here (about 700 pie­ces left) 

1. Strength (11:02)
2. Trust (6:21)
3. Breat­hing (3:52)
4. Pati­ence (7:06)
5. Ope­ning (4:39)
6. Sli­de (7:34)
7. Wel­co­me (5:17)

Sud­den Impact
DR 04 CD, 2009

Gen­re: Jazz: Con­tem­pora­ry Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: alto saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic: gui­tar
Che­ma Pel­li­co: bass

About this Album

Fresh new approach on saxo­pho­ne-gui­tar-con­tra­bass trio from the youn­ger genera­ti­on of Euro­pean jazz.

Cd in stock order here  (about 100 pie­ces left)

1. Joa­chim (6:24)
2. Mistress Night (4:45)
3. Magne­tic Uni­ver­se (4:54)
4. Assi­gna­ti­on (2:54)
5. K.M.L.H (5:20)
6. Spa­cious­ness (6:41)
7. Dear John C. (4:31)
8. Sud­den Impact (4:27)
9. Hid­den Place (2:42)

DR 03 CD, 2008

Gen­re: Jazz, Con­tem­pora­ry Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: alto saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic: gui­tar
David Mar­ro­quin: bass
Mar­ko Jelača: drums

About this Album

Jazz album with all the let­ters, pro­po­sing rigo­rous­ly intel­li­gent things. The gre­at touch of Gross­mann, who without being hete­ro­dox, inclu­des ele­ments and inputs that enrich the whole.
Ger­man Laza­ro, Qua­der­nos de Jazz


1. Andrew (6:34)
2. Flü­gel (9:23)
3. Diver­si­ty (7:38)
4. Bel­la Don­na (8:06)
5. Echo (7:01)
6. Quint­essence (8:11)
7. Excerpt 80408 (2:26)

Here And Now
DR 02 CD, 2008
Gen­re: Jazz, Con­tem­pora­ry Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: alto saxophone

Uno P.: drums

About this Album


Aus­tri­an alto, sopra­no saxo­pho­nist and com­po­ser Muri­el Gross­mann accom­pa­nied by Uno P. on drums. Adven­tur­ous and ener­ge­tic explo­ra­ti­ons of  Grossmann’s com­po­si­ti­ons in duo set up.


1. Lis­tening (3:47)
2. Flü­gel (5:53)
3. Magne­tic Uni­ver­se (5:16)
4. Joa­chim (4:13)
5. Inter­ac­tion (5:04)
6. Kühn (3:17)
7. Quint­essence (4:26)
8. Island­wind (5:14)


Home­co­m­ing Reuni­on  DR 01 CD, 2007
Gen­re: Jazz, Con­tem­pora­ry Jazz
Muri­el Gross­mann: alto saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic: gui­tar
David Mar­ro­quin: bass
Mar­ko Jelača: drums



1. Tot Junts (1:11) (quar­tet)
2. Dear John (11:57)
3. Cat Toes (5:03)
4. Sabú (14:40)
5. Aye­lén (4:06)
6. Half Rodri (6:43) (r.milojkovic)
7. Everybody’s Land (6:10)
8. Kata (10:43) (r.milojkovic)
9. Jour­ney To Medina
10. Dear John (9:13) (alt. take)
11. Fins Ara (1:29) (quar­tet)