
                Llo­renç was born in 1988 in Mal­lor­ca and began play­ing pia­no at the young age of 4 years at the school in Mana­cor. With 14 the chan­ge to the organ. Later he com­ple­ted the cour­se the stu­dies of hig­her music in the work­shop of musics. In 2012 he was selec­ted for a tour with the Euro­pean Jazz Orches­tra and recor­ded an album in Kiev, Ukrai­ne. He has also worked in David Murray’s Blues Orches­tra accom­pany­ing James “Blood” Ulmer in several Euro­pean capitals.

                 He cur­r­ent­ly works with the Ama­zo­nes d’Afri­que, accom­pany­ing a lar­ge num­ber of Afri­can artists; Rokia Koné, Kan­dia Kou­ya­te, Nne­ka, Mama­ni Key­ta, Pame­la Bad­jo­go, Mari­am Doum­bia … Cur­r­ent­ly he is also a mem­ber of the band “Ghost Seed” an organ trio for­med by the gre­at gui­ta­rist Jean-Paul Bou­rel­ly, ex-gui­ta­rist of Miles Davis , and Dani Dom­in­guez on drums.Since 2018 he forms  also part of the Muri­el Gross­mann Quin­tet. In 2022 he went on a tour around the world for half a year with Rosalia.