About this Album — Birth Of The Mystery


           When the vital ener­gies work their way through a group of musi­ci­ans, the psy­cho­lo­gi­cal expe­ri­ence is of inner joy that beco­mes grea­ter then the sum of the indi­vi­du­al­ly inves­ted parts. The images are not orde­red to pre­sent a well-known pic­tu­re of a fami­li­ar sub­ject. What occur in this music are com­bi­na­ti­ons of con­tras­ting rising and fal­ling light and sound sub­s­tan­ces, which dart in com­ple­te­ly unex­pec­ted direc­tions. The images will whirl in spi­ral through an unli­mi­ted space without ever see­ming to be ham­pe­red by any arbi­tra­ry limits. Music of the moment makes the who­le, or as Muri­el Gross­mann puts it: “We were play­ing with a con­cept, crea­ting orga­nic unity.” The com­ple­te musi­ci­anship, evi­den­ced by the quar­tet mem­bers on this record, can be set down to the fact that each mem­ber is awa­re not only of their own per­so­nal needs, but are con­scious of being part of a living pro­duc­ti­ve orga­nism, which not only ful­fills the needs of its mem­bers but pro­vi­des end­less plea­su­re and sti­mu­la­ti­on for the listener.

            Aus­tri­an Alto and Sopra­no saxo­pho­nist and com­po­ser Muri­el Gross­mann is wide­ning her musi­cal com­mit­ment and bold explo­ra­ti­ons, crea­ting urgent and ele­vat­ing music. With sin­gu­lar ima­gi­na­ti­on Muri­el Gross­mann is a play­er and com­po­ser with a blend of tra­di­tio­nal and visio­na­ry, abso­lute­ly explo­si­ve throughout; music here is the case in point. The Crea­ti­on of ever evol­ving shapes moving in mul­ti­di­rec­tio­n­al ways; open struc­tures, giving the fee­ling that the pro­cess of making music is an end in its­elf and not just the means of obtai­ning a per­fect­ly finis­hed pro­duct. In the last years Muri­el Gross­mann has been per­forming and record­ing with such artists as Wolf­gang Rei­sin­ger, Chris­ti­an Lil­lin­ger, Johan­nes Fink and lea­ding her own pro­jects. She was just recent­ly selec­ted for best jazz record of the year in the cate­go­ry “mil­lor nova pro­pos­ta 2009” in Jazz Maga­zi­ne Jaç (no. 30, Feb/March 2010) for Cd Quar­tet (Dream­land­re­cords, DR 03 CD).

                “The suite Birth of the Mys­te­ry is about ela­bo­ra­ting the idea of a joy­ful birth in a musi­cal way. Crea­ti­on is com­ing through us but not from us. The­re are six important sta­tes of mind. Strength is about will power. Trust is about, all that comes to you is meant for you, so trust and your actions will be good. Breat­hing is about the essen­ti­al part of being con­scious as the breath flows, to use the power of the now. Pati­ence is about the peace­ful­ness in non-action. Ope­ning, as in ever­y­day life, is about being open to give and to recei­ve com­pas­si­on and love; and Sli­de is about let­ting the things fall right into your hands to Wel­co­me it, so the joy can ease you.”

              The Quar­tet is com­po­sed of Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, who both as accom­pa­nist and soloist, has sophisti­ca­ted sen­si­bi­li­ty and high-level of con­sis­ten­cy; with the drums of Mar­ko Jela­ca, an orches­tral con­ti­nu­um of rhyth­mic irre­gu­la­ri­ties that nevertheless mark the most rigo­rous metric, and bas­sist David Mar­ro­quin, who with same sen­se of free­dom always brings a wide ran­ge of rhyth­ms and sounds. This music is uni­ver­sal; they com­po­se quar­tet to the power of four, as well as a quar­tet four times unique.

             Each com­po­si­ti­on is a stu­dy in its­elf, the ela­bo­ra­ti­on of the musi­cal con­cepts through har­mo­ny, melo­dy and rhythm. “I was most­ly wri­ting in the night­time, while ever­y­bo­dy was asleep. The still­ness and peace of the night were gui­ding me”. David Far­row


An ear­ly gem from saxo­pho­nist Muri­el Gross­mann – alrea­dy at the sort of apex that would make her one of the key spi­ri­tu­al jazz play­ers in the deca­de to come – crea­ting the sort of music that’s made her one of our favo­ri­te con­tem­pora­ry jazz musi­ci­ans here at Dus­ty Groo­ve! The vibe here is slight­ly dif­fe­rent than some of Grossmann’s more recent mate­ri­al – may­be a bit more open and less modal, but still with this way of buil­ding up a tune in the­se bold blocks of sound! Muri­el blows alto sax throughout – and as on many of her other gre­at record­ings, gui­ta­rist Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic is a key part of the sound here – crea­ting all the­se tones and colors in a pia­no-less group that also fea­tures David Mar­ro­quin on bass and Mar­ko Jela­ca on drums. The album works as one long suite of tracks, with seven pas­sa­ges – inclu­ding the seg­ments “Strength”, “Trust”, “Breat­hing”, “Pati­ence”, “Ope­ning”, “Sli­de”, and “Wel­co­me”.  © 1996–2023, Dus­ty Groo­ve, Inc.
(Limi­ted to just 300 copies!)