Liner Notes — The Light Of The Mind by Michael Jacklin


Muri­el Gross­mann ‘The Light of the Mind’ (2024).

Tho­se who know know. Muri­el Grossmann’s repu­ta­ti­on as a lea­ding prac­ti­tio­ner of spi­ri­tu­al jazz that groo­ves, deeply groo­ves, has grown steadi­ly with every new record­ing. From ear­ly albums such as ‘Quar­tet’ in 2008 to ‘Birth of the Mys­te­ry’ in 2010 to her brea­k­out album ‘Gol­den Rule’ in 2018 and her recent ‘Devo­ti­on’ in 2023, Grossmann’s music has won acco­la­des from cri­tics and ado­ra­ti­on from lis­teners around the glo­be. From her record­ing stu­dio and her own label Dream­land­re­cords on the island of Ibi­za, through to the dis­tri­bu­ti­on of inter­na­tio­nal music labels inclu­ding RRGEMS in Euro­pe, Jazz­man from the UK, and more recent­ly Pas­se­ri­ne Records and Third Man Records from the USA, Grossmann’s music has won devo­ted fans the world over. If, howe­ver, you are a new lis­tener, you will find with this album that you have come to a place whe­re con­tem­pora­ry spi­ri­tu­al jazz meets hap­pi­ness. Serious happiness.

In her inter­view with All About Jazz wri­ter Dave Kauf­man, Muri­el Gross­mann comments on hap­pi­ness, noting that ‘if we ask our­sel­ves when we are hap­piest, it is surely when we have made some­bo­dy hap­py,’ and she goes on to quo­te the Dalai Lama: ‘When we feel love and kind­ness towards others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it also hel­ps us to deve­lop inner hap­pi­ness and peace.’

Lis­tening to the music on ‘The Light of the Mind’, Grossmann’s 16th album as lea­der, one feels that hap­pi­ness is the core of this record­ing. It is hap­pi­ness achie­ved through reci­pro­ci­ty, inter­con­nec­tion, devo­ti­on, rever­ence and prac­ti­ce. Gross­mann has exp­lai­ned to review­ers of her pre­vious albums the impor­t­ance of Bud­dhism in her dai­ly life and the role of medi­ta­ti­on and post-medi­ta­ti­on prac­ti­ce. The tit­les of her recent albums and com­po­si­ti­ons reflect this. Glance through the tit­les on ‘The Light of the Mind’ and you will begin to appre­cia­te the con­nec­tion bet­ween Bud­dhist thought and Grossmann’s crea­ti­on of spi­ri­tu­al jazz.

The ope­ning track ‘Poin­ting Out, Part I’ begins with a minu­te and a half of mood-set­ting Fen­der Rho­des, Ham­mond B3 organ and Moog by key­boar­dist Abel Boque­ra befo­re the rest of the quar­tet joins in. In Bud­dhist thought, poin­ting out is an intro­duc­tion to awa­reness, an exer­cise to direct one’s under­stan­ding towards the natu­re of mind. When Grossmann’s tenor saxo­pho­ne enters accom­pa­nied by Uros Stamenkovic’s soft­ly rol­ling drums and cym­bals and Rado­mir Milojkovic’s quiet gui­tar, the lis­tener is invi­ted to join them in con­tem­pla­ti­on and pre­pa­ra­ti­on for the num­bers to come. The tit­le track which fol­lows immedia­te­ly enters into a groo­ve with Gross­mann again on tenor dri­ving the num­ber through a sea­ring 4 minu­te solo, han­ding over to Milo­j­ko­vic who­se intri­ca­te, sinuous gui­tar line is fol­lo­wed by Boque­ra solo­ing on Ham­mond and the ent­i­re 12 minu­te expe­ri­ence held tog­e­ther by Stamenkovic’s snap­ping and spar­k­ling drum work. The clo­sing num­ber on Side I, ‘Uni­son Unvei­led’ is this rare psy­che­de­lic R’n’B gem strai­ght from the 1967 sum­mer of love, with Gross­mann play­ing through on sopra­no sax and edging towards ecsta­sy. Who said spi­ri­tu­al jazz can’t dance?

The first num­ber on Side II, ‘Ulti­ma­te Awa­reness’, begins with haun­ting bass-end Ham­mond, light cym­bal tou­ches, spar­se gui­tar, harp arpeg­gi­os and medi­ta­ti­on bell, lea­ding to slow sul­try lines of sopra­no sax, han­ding over half way through to a com­pel­ling and blue­sy gui­tar solo by Milo­j­ko­vic, fol­lo­wed by a slin­ky Ham­mond run by Boque­ra, with Stamenkovic’s restrai­ned and light punc­tua­ti­on throughout, the who­le ending with medi­ta­ti­on bell and harp fading into silence. Beau­ti­ful. Medi­ta­ti­on bell is also the first sound on the next track ‘Eter­nal Laugh­ter’, with Gross­mann ent­e­ring on flu­te, then swit­ching to alto saxo­pho­ne, and Sta­men­ko­vic kicking up the pace to dance fever once more. The joy of this num­ber reminds us that laugh­ter has its place in both con­tem­pla­ti­on and in our tog­e­ther­ness. Our being tog­e­ther in midst of this cra­zy life.

The album clo­ser ‘Poin­ting Out, Part II’ has Gross­mann retur­ning to tenor for a slow, medi­ta­ti­ve solo atop a mar­ching rhythm sus­tai­ned by drums, gui­tar and Ham­mond. The hap­pi­ness in this num­ber is one of moving tog­e­ther, play­ing tog­e­ther, lis­tening tog­e­ther, as we con­tem­pla­te our awa­reness, our mind­ful­ness, our being here, in this moment, now.

May the music you hear on ‘The Light of the Mind’ bring you such moments, such happiness.

Micha­el Jack­lin, August 2024

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