Radomir Milojkovic — guitar

Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic (Bel­gra­de)

Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic (born 1979 in Bel­gra­de, Yugo­s­la­via) star­ted gui­tar at the age of four­te­en. He play­ed in various blues, funk and rock groups as an acti­ve mem­ber of the Bel­gra­de music sce­ne from 1996 to 2001. In 2002 he con­ti­nued his stu­dies in music at the pres­ti­gious “Con­ser­va­to­rio del Liceu” in Bar­ce­lo­na, Spain. 

During and after the stu­dies he made con­certs and record­ings in Spain, Hol­land, Ger­ma­ny, Aus­tria with such artists as Muri­el Gross­mann, Wolf­gang Rei­sin­ger, Chris­ti­an Lil­lin­ger, Robert Land­fer­mann, Johan­nes Fink, Joa­chim Kühn and many others.

Sin­ce 2007 Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic lives and works in Ibi­za and col­la­bo­ra­ted in Muri­el Gross­mann / Rado­mir MIlo­j­ko­vic, Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet, Muri­el Gross­mann Trio, Muri­el Gross­mann Stan­dard Quar­tet, Muri­el Gross­mann Band and Gross­mann / Milo­j­ko­vic / Land­fer­mann / Lillinger.