Natural Time’ review by Christian Bakonyi in Concerto 4/2016, Austria

ori­gi­nal arti­cle by Chris­ti­an Bakonyi in Con­cer­to 4/2016, Austria
Jazz Aus­tria — Muri­el Gross­mann – Natu­ral Time

Concerto 2016
Natural Time DR 08 CD 2016                 The Aus­tri­an saxo­pho­nist Muri­el Gross­mann, who is living on Ibi­za, has again brought out with “Natu­ral Time”, as well as with the albums befo­re a timel­ess­ly beau­ti­ful, inten­se Album, inspi­red by Coltrane’s Sound. With gui­ta­rist Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vich Muri­el Gross­mann has a long­stan­ding com­pa­n­ion at her side and he knows to use the sound of his gui­tars to accom­plish the band extre­me­ly well in addi­ti­on to the fan­tastic, bas­sist Gina Schwarz and drum­mer Uros Sta­men­ko­vic, this time respon­si­ble for the rhythm.

                Soli without idlers or pla­tes quo­ta­ti­ons are the spi­ce of this gre­at audio medi­um. The tit­le track, which main­tains the rhythm from the first until the last minu­te, about ten minu­tes but it could also go twen­ty minu­tes, so hap­pi­ly one allo­wes hims­elf to fall into this medi­ta­ti­ve music. Ins­tead, the­re are still seven other tracks that never dimi­nish the atten­ti­on and bring musi­cal influ­en­ces from Afri­ca and India, for examp­le. Albums with this cer­tain jazz spi­ri­tua­li­ty have beco­me rare, the more important that with the saxo­pho­nist Muri­el Gross­mann someo­ne is the­re, to not let us for­get this spi­ri­tua­li­ty. (Bak) Chris­ti­an Bakonyi, Con­cer­to, Aug/Sept 2016

© & ℗ 2016 Dreamlandrecords
7 tks / 63 mins
Muri­el Gross­mann – as and ss, Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic – g, Gina Schwarz – b, Uros Sta­men­ko­vic – dr