
Muri­el Grossmann
saxo­pho­ne, composer

Aus­tri­an alto, sopra­no, tenor saxo­pho­nist and com­po­ser Muri­el Gross­mann was born in Paris and grew up in Vien­na, whe­re she initia­ted clas­si­cal stu­dies of flu­te at the age of five until twen­ty-one, when she swit­ched to alto and sopra­no saxo­pho­ne and star­ted 
play­ing and tou­ring with various rhythm & blues, funk, world music and jazz groups and artists such as Hans Tschi­ritsch, Shani Ben Canar, Chris­toph Kurz­mann, Geri Schul­ler, Pete Hoven, Robert Rehak, The Ori­gi­nal Brothers.

In 2002 she moved to Bar­ce­lo­na whe­re she star­ted to lead her own bands for record­ings and con­certs. Muri­el Gross­mann is resi­dent in Ibi­za sin­ce 2004, which marks a very fruit­ful record­ing and per­forming period.

Muri­el Gross­mann play­ed and recor­ded with Joa­chim Kuehn, Wolf­gang Rei­sin­ger, Rolf Kuehn, Mar­tin Klin­ge­berg, Tho­mas Hei­de­priem, Mark Vin­ci, Mol­ly Dun­can, Joe San­ders, Ali­ce Zawadzki, Ali­na Bzhez­hin­s­ka, Toni Kofi, Chris­ti­an Lil­lin­ger, Johan­nes Fink, Robert Land­fer­mann, Este­ve Pi, Abel Boque­ra, Eli­as Mei­ri and Muri­el Gross­mann Bar­ce­lo­na Quar­tet fea­turing Rado­mir Milo­ko­vic on gui­tar, David Mar­ro­quin on upright and Mar­ko Jela­ca on drums, record­ing and per­forming ori­gi­nal compositions.

Gross­mann play­ed in Spain, Fran­ce, Bel­gi­um, Aus­tria, Ger­ma­ny, Hol­land, Ire­land, Greece, Eng­land, Moroc­co, South Afri­ca, Poland, Slo­ve­nia, Slo­va­kia, Hun­ga­ry, Ita­ly, Fin­land, Esto­nia, Den­mark per­forming over 150 con­certs a year.

2011–2014 Muri­el Gross­mann was per­forming and record­ing with quar­tet fea­turing Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic (Bel­gra­de) on gui­tar, Robert Land­fer­mann (Colo­gne) on upright bass and Chris­ti­an Lil­lin­ger (Ber­lin) on drums.

Sin­ce 2014 she is working with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic (Bel­gra­de) on gui­tar, Gina Schwarz (Vien­na) on dou­ble bass and Uros Sta­men­ko­vic (Bel­gra­de) on drums.
In 2018  Llo­renç Bar­ce­lo  (Mal­lor­ca) on ham­mond joi­ned her group. He has been tou­ring with the Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet till 2022, record­ing Ham­mond B3 on the albums Rever­ence, Quiet Earth, Uni­on and Uni­ver­sal Code. Sin­ce 2022 Abel Boque­ra (Bar­ce­lo­na) is play­ing Ham­mond B3 in the Muri­el Gross­mann Quartet.

2023 Muri­el Gross­mann released the album Devo­ti­on on Jack White’s Label Third Man Records. She had par­ti­ci­pa­ted pre­vious­ly in a vault sub­scrip­ti­on packa­ge of Third Man Record hono­ring the gre­at electric Miles Davis Fearless. Muri­el Gross­mann Plays Miles was issued on a 7‑inch sin­gle and reached over 12 000 sub­scri­bers. 2024 the Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet play­ed in Gil­les Peter­son pres­ents Impres­si­ons at the Fon­da­ti­on Maeght, Vence, Fran­ce and Jazz á la Vil­let­te at gran­de salle Pierre Bou­lez at the Phil­har­mo­nie de Paris, among others. 2024 Muri­el was also nomi­na­ted by ‘die Pres­se’ for Aus­tri­an of the year.

Muri­el Gross­mann an artist who sin­gle-han­ded­ly res­ha­ped and reinven­ted spi­ri­tu­al jazz for this cen­tu­ry remains one of the grea­test spi­ri­tu­al jazz per­for­mer, record­ing artist and com­po­ser of today.


Home­co­m­ing Reuni­on (2007)  CD  DreamlandRecords
Here And Now
(2008)  CD  DreamlandRecords
Quar­tet (2008)   CD  DreamlandRecords
Sud­den Impact (2009)   CD  DreamlandRecords
Birth Of The Mys­te­ry (2010)  CD  DreamlandRecords
Awa­ke­n­ing (2013)   CD  DreamlandRecords
Earth Tones (2015)   CD  DreamlandRecords
Natu­ral Time
(2016)  CD  DreamlandRecords
Momen­tum (2017)  CD  DreamlandRecords
Gol­den Rule  (2018)  CD  Dream­land­Re­cords   2x12” VINYL RR Gems Records
Gol­den Rule / Okan Ti Aye (Radio Edits)  (2019)7″ VINYL JAZZ45, Jazz­man Records
Rever­ence  (2019)  CD  Dream­land­Re­cords 2x12” VINYL RR Gems Records
Gol­den Rule EDITION 2#  (2020)2x12” VINYL RR Gems Records

Ele­va­ti­on (2020) 12″ VINYL / CD Jazz­man Records 
Rever­ence  (2020) HHV Excl. Trans­pa­rent Red (limi­ted to 200) 2x12” VINYL RR Gems Records

Quiet Earth (2020)  CD  Dream­land­Re­cords  12″ VINYL RR Gems Records
Uni­on (2021) CD  Dream­land­Re­cords 12″ VINYL RR Gems Records
Natu­ral Time (2016/2021) CD,  2x12” VINYL Dream­land­re­cords, dis­trib. by RR Gems Records
Uni­ver­sal Code (2022) CD Dream­land­re­cords, (2023) 2 x 12″ VINYL RR Gems Records 
Birth Of The Mys­te­ry (2010/2023) limi­ted to 300 ex,  12″ VINYL RR Pas­se­ri­ne Records
Muri­el Gross­mann plays Miles (2023) 7″ Third man Record part of sub­scrip­ti­on package 
Devo­ti­on (2023) CD & 2x12″ VINYL Third man Records
The Light of the Mind (2024) CD Dream­land­Re­cords 12″ VINYL RR Gems Records
Muri­el Gross­mann MGQ live im King Georg, Köln (05.03.2025) CD Dream­land­Re­cords, 12″ VINYL Power House Records
4 Ornet­te !!! (2012/2025 tbc) CD AND 12″ VINYL DreamlandRecords
Aural Sphe­res Earth Tones (2025 tbc) CD AND 2x 12″ VINYL DreamlandRecords