Muriel Grossmann Quartet


Muri­el Gross­mann   alto, sopra­no, tenor saxophone
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic   gui­tar
Gina Schwarz   bass
Uros Sta­men­ko­vic   drums

Spi­ri­tu­al Jazz, a power­ful expe­ri­ence, per­for­med by Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet. Music that tou­ches the hearts and souls of the lis­teners. Beau­ti­ful, moving music, that ran­ges from calm and peace­ful pie­ces to ener­ge­tic and vital music.

Muri­el Grossmann’s saxo­pho­ne and com­po­si­ti­ons are taking the lis­teners to a true musi­cal voya­ge, expan­ding their ima­gi­na­ti­on with the uni­ver­sal sound of love. This music is sprea­ding good vibra­ti­ons and always takes a posi­ti­ve and opti­mistic view. The enga­ging and power­ful music, that make Muri­el Gross­mann live shows, is an irre­sis­ti­ble affair, music that chal­len­ges the sen­ses and than rewards them, both magi­cal and inten­se. It’s impos­si­ble to deter­mi­ne what grasps the ear first, efferve­scent saxo­pho­ne play­ing or the delight­ful swag­ger of her com­po­si­ti­ons or the sound of the music being per­for­med, all in all it is a music making of the hig­hest caliber.

Muri­el Grossmann’s com­man­ding pre­sence at the saxo­pho­ne makes you hear all the color and expres­si­on from deli­ca­te to thun­de­rous, with the visi­on of the future and know­ledge of the past she con­ti­nues to push limits, explo­re bounda­ries and inno­va­te. Muri­el Gross­mann show­ca­ses a myri­ad of talents, shaping the music in rich lay­ers of dro­nes, each of the­se soul-baring com­po­si­ti­ons are a reve­la­to­ry tale with fresh emo­tio­nal insights and a spi­ri­ted adven­tur­ous edge.
Tho­mas D. H. Foster


Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet plays Cafe7stern, Vien­na – Oct 2017
Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet plays Cas­til­lo Son Vida, Mal­lor­ca – Jun 2017
‚Natu­ral Time‘ Pre­sen­ta­ti­on Tour – Jan 2016

Gol­den Rule  DR 10 CD & RRGEMS05, 2018 , JAZZ45005, 2019
DR 09 CD, 2017
Natu­ral Time  DR 08 CD, 2016