Review of Union in Avopolis by Zois Chalkiopoulos, Athens, Jan 2022
Muriel Grossmann — Union: Americana in European jazz, in a mix that does not go unnoticed.
Strong women always impress. Maybe I do not say this out of many experiences, but in any case when I see it happen, I feel better and better. It may be her fault that she is Austrian and we all now know about the strictness and gravity of the Austrians. Muriel Grossmann is one of those music cases that puts you in a good position to sit down and follow them blindly in What They Do. And not unjustly. In Union‘s music there is something so well structured, something so strikingly there, that you do not want to miss anything from the next step.
I do not like covers with people standing there and smiling, I have a denial of the smiling portraits on the records. Rumors want the musicians who smile on their covers not to catch prices, In addition to not denying their listeners. But as for her music it fits definitely well. Union is her latest release, again from the Estonian RR GEMS label, again, with the flag of Saint Coltrane, miracles happen within her band. Once again the sound is heavy and overwhelming. Spiritual style and modal rhythms are perfectly intertwined with the guitar that really impresses on each of her records. An American sound in European Jazz, a pleasant mix that does not go unnoticed no matter how many times it enters the turntable. One of the best of the year that leaves us with the strongest moment the eleven minutes “Happiness” of the first side. Excellent production, as well as pressing for vinyl eaters. Go for it. Listen ! Zois Chalkiopoulos, Jan 2022, Athens
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